Thursday, January 12, 2006

Liberal Party's Position on Arts and Culture

More on arts policy in the 2006 Canadian election...

Following are some excerpts from the newly-released platform of the Liberal Party, led by Prime Minister Paul Martin. The specific section that details the Liberal Party's cultural position can be found on page 63 of the platform, entitled "Weaving an Even Stronger Cultural Fabric":

Liberals attach great importance to the cultural expression that helps to define the Canadian identity. Through culture we show the world who we are and what things are important to us. Through culture we discover our origins and our aspirations. Canadian culture reveals the uniqueness and richness of our society – its linguistic duality, aboriginal traditions and diverse population. It also shows our openness to the world.

Canada’s authors, filmmakers, musicians and athletes are making a name for themselves internationally and demonstrating the vitality, creativity and innovation that set Canada apart. It is important to see government support for cultural expression through the arts, television, exhibitions, languages and heritage preservation as an investment and not simply an expense. As a vibrant sector of the economy, cultural industries create jobs here at home, increasing our prosperity. The Canadian cultural sector is a vital contributor to the economy, generating more than $40 billion per year and providing jobs to nearly 600,000 Canadians.

Liberals applaud such excellence and will give their support so that culture can continue to strengthen our country, its unity, and our reputation abroad, all the while adding immeasurably to Canadians’ quality of life. That is why a Liberal government will continue to strongly support Canada’s culture through a range of programs and policies.

The section goes on to describe policies on the Tomorrow Starts Today Program, the Canada Council for the Arts, Copyright, Cultural Diversity, the Vancouver 2010 program, and commitment to official languages.

Other parties on the arts:

Green Party
New Democratic Party
Conservative Party--platform still pending as of 01/12/06

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